
The Hanyu Distillery was a Japanese whisky distillery located in Hanyu, Saitama Prefecture, Japan. Established in 1941 by Isouji Akuto, a descendant of a sake-producing family, the distillery initially focused on sake and shochu production before venturing into whisky in the 1980s. Despite its innovative approach to whisky making, Hanyu ceased distilling in 2000 due to financial difficulties and was eventually dismantled in 2004.

Hanyu Distillery is renowned for its 'Card' series, a collection of single malt whiskies each named after a playing card, which has gained cult status among whisky collectors and enthusiasts worldwide. The series showcases the distillery's diverse and experimental approach to whisky production, utilizing a variety of cask types and aging techniques.

Although the distillery no longer exists, the legacy of Hanyu continues through its sought-after releases, which remain highly prized for their quality and rarity, capturing a unique chapter in the history of Japanese whisky.

Hanyu 1985-2000 Joker Color, Ichiro's Malt Card series

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